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Duke of Edinburgh

The Carlton Academy believes that the Duke of Edinburgh scheme offers young people a fantastic opportunity to form new friendships and learn new skills and interests for their lives ahead. 

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a voluntary, non-competitive programme of practical, cultural and adventurous activities designed to support the personal and social development of young people aged 14-25. It offers an individual challenge and encourages young people to undertake exciting, constructive and enjoyable activities in their free time with a well-recognised award at the end to show a possible employer their determination to commit and undertake challenges. 

The Carlton Academy is proud to be recognised as the first school in Nottinghamshire to be awarded DLC status. This means it is an approved Directly Licensed Centre for Duke of Edinburgh and offers programmes at all levels of the award; Bronze, Silver or Gold. The programmes are open to students in current Years 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. 

What does the programme consist of?

There are three progressive levels:

  • Bronze (for those in Year 9 and over)
  • Silver (for those in Year 10 and over)
  • Gold (for those aged 16 and over)

Each consisting of four sections:

  • Volunteering - Helping other people in the local community.
  • Skills - Covering almost any hobby, skill or interest.
  • Physical Recreation - Sports, dance and fitness.
  • Expeditions - Training for, planning and completing one or two weekend expeditions and a training walk in Nottinghamshire/Derbyshire.

How long will it take?

It takes at least six months to achieve the Bronze Award, twelve months for Silver and eighteen months for Gold. This means you will need approximately four hours per week dedicated to this Award. 1 hour per week after school for the Expedition training and 3 hours for your chosen activities over the week. 

How much does it cost?

Pupils that receive free school meals will be entitled to a free place. Otherwise the cost is £95 for Bronze and £115 for Silver. Gold (tbc) this will depend on uptake and logistics. The cost includes the following:

  • Welcome Pack and eDofE account and  limited personal accident insurance and you will receive a certificate and badge on completion at a presentation evening at The Carlton Academy
  • Expeditions – and training walks in Nottinghamshire, 1 or 2 weekend expeditions. (Food and transport not included)
  • All training and paperwork
  • Service – usually little or no cost

Remember you may need to factor in some additional costs depending on what ‘Skills’ and ‘Physical’ activity you decide to undertake as part of your award. The cost can be negligible or as expensive as you make it.


As a minimum, you will need a 65 litre rucksack, good walking boots, waterproof jacket and trousers, a sleeping bag and a roll up carry mat to sleep on. The school will provide tents, cooking equipment, fuel, maps, group first aid kits (a small personal kit will be required), campsite fees and will cover voluntary helper’s expenses. (There are no paid staff doing the D of E we rely heavily on volunteers giving up their own time to help with the training and on the expedition weekends).

There are some 65L rucksacks and sleeping bags available to borrow from the school and these will be available on a first come, first served basis.

Dates for expeditions:

  • Bronze: TBC
  • Silver & Gold: TBC

NB: It is planned that all expeditions will go ahead in the summer term.

What do I need to do next?

It is very important that students read all of this information before taking any action towards signing up for the award.

*Note for Parents* Please be aware that this Award is a remote supervision activity and when students are on their qualifying expedition they will be out of sight for much of the time. Supervisors and assessors are in the area at all times and will meet them at hazardous points and checkpoints along their routes as well as with them at campsites at night. This is in accordance with the Duke of Edinburgh guidelines. If you feel your child cannot be left alone, do not sign them up for the award.

If you are interested and feel up to the challenge talk to your parents about the award as they will need to support you. Visit student reception for a letter and enrolment form which will need to be completed

When you apply, you will need to return the enrolment form, signed by yourself and your parent/carer and returned with payment through Parent Pay.

The Enrolment Form can be found by contacting the schools’ Duke of Edinburgh team in person of through email:

Further information

Please contact Mr Tromans, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Manager and Coordinator at Carlton Academy either via the main school number 0115 9550010 or email More information can be found in the documents below:

Introduction to The Duke of Edinburgh's Award
Expedition Aims
Expedition Equipment
Food and Stoves
Rucksack Packing Information

Bronze: Choosing Activities
How DofE Transforms Lives
Welcoming young People
What will your son or daughter get out of their DofE?